Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful break. I haven’t posted in a while, but with exams being so close- I will be posting revision resources rather than essays such as revision mats/key quotes for each of the texts. I hope they prove useful to you, and if you would like anything done in particular, please let me know in the comments below 🙂 Finally, I thank you for all the support I have gained on my blog.

These are my top key quotes to learn for the first short story in the book The Bloody Chamber:

“Are you sure you want to marry him” – said by the Mother -This shows the doubtful tone of the mother- presents readers with mother daughter bonds and females intuition?

“Alway from Paris, away from civilisation”- said by the narrator -here, setting also helps foreshadow future events. Paris symbolises civilisation.

“Ceased to be her child in becoming his wife” -said by the narrator- The narrator believes that by marrying the Marquis she will lose her relationship with her mother, but also lose the innocence that is associated with being a “child” – she realises her loss of purity in marrying the Marquis. Additionally, what does this tell us about family relationships after marriage?

“..bullet through [her] husband’s head..” -said by the narrator when the mother shoots the Marquis

“there was a Marquis once, who used to hunt young girls”- said by Jean Perhaps lends the insanity of the Marquis down to inherit gift?

“my little nun has found the prayer books has she?” We are introduced to the Marquis’ values. He values pornography and exploitation of women instead of the traditional worship of religion.

“blue imprints of his strangler’s fingers”-

“dead lips that smiled” comments on sadisim and the complicit nature of women(Carter’s criticism.) Are the dead lips smiling because they enjoyed the pain of being strangled?

“faery solitude of the place” the sumblime setting/unnatural

“moved as softly as if all his shoes had soles of velvet” this quote lends the Marquis to the Gothic elements of being uncanny, supernatural, abhuman

“potentiality for corruption” the narrator does not make out like she is wholly innocent. She has always been aware of her own potential

“skirts tucked up around her waist” – Contrast to the typical representation of women- this presents the mother as being brave and couragous.





  1. @Miss.LisaMadeMeDoIt that’s exactly what I found! None of them I can actually use in my essay but all the quotes in this one I can =) thanks a whole bunch.

  2. Is this the quote list you were emaliling me about? Great thank you. Really struggling to find quotes for some of the other books such as puss in boots and the erl king. I suppose im going to really nail down these quotes from the most centrally gothic short stories and use them e.g lotlh, etc

    • Yeah it is 🙂 I was hoping to do it with a different format and use pictures but this is literally the vital quotes with no “faff” – as they say. I don’t know if it’s the safe way to go about things, but there are so very many short stories, so I guess it will be hard to remember and use all of them. I think if you work on a few Bloody Chamber stories that are really universally central to the Gothic genre such as the supernatural, light and dark etc, you will be able to get away just fine. Just as long as you can tackle most questions through them. Lotl is also one of my favourites to use, as well as the original Bloody Chamber story, and Wolf Alice. Hope that helps?

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